therapy using the Papimi
machine |
The Papimi
(Pap Ion Magnetic Inducer)
machine restores the electric
potential of the cells, which in
turn regulates the chemical
interchanges towards normality
in instances of disequilibrium.
As a consequence the biochemical
cellular processes are
normalised eliminating the
associated symptoms, thus curing
the illness.
Almost every
one of us has been subjected at
some time to electromagnetic
fields, either as a diagnostic
tool or for the treatment of an
injury, usually muscular or
The use of
electromagnetic devises for the
treatment of this type of lesion
has become increasingly common
during the last few decades.
These devices have produced
remarkable improvements, thus
avoiding surgical interventions,
which are more invasive and also
much more expensive.

has been demonstrated that with
pulsating electromagnetic fields
of different potency and
frequency,"-writes Professor
Pawluk- “good results are
obtained in a large number of
painful conditions. The risk is
minimal compared with the
invasive nature of other
therapies and the risk of
toxicity, addiction and
complications inherent with
medical drugs…”
generates a pulse of up to
50.000 volts/cm, but of such
short duration that it does not
produce the thermic damage,
which would normally be produced
in the cells by such a high
charge. For the first time in
history we dispose of energy of
high power, which is completely
bio available to the
intracellular space.
Many of the
indications and the results
obtained are based on the
capacity of the PAPIMI to
regulate the interchange of
biochemical substances at
cellular level and to activate
the capacity of organism to
eliminate the unhealthy cells or
to return them to a normal
electrical potential.